Ss. Peter & Paul School has a well-defined uniform policy. When parents enroll their children in the school, it is with the understanding that the uniform code, along with other school expectations, regulations, and policies, will be followed. Uniforms are just that – uniforms. They are not intended to reflect the fashion trends of the moment. The purpose of the school uniform is to contribute to the academic atmosphere of the school, give students a feeling of equality, to provide a visible sense of school unity and identity, and to cut clothing costs. All students in grades K-6 must adhere to the uniform guidelines. All uniform attire should be clean and pressed and must be in good repair – hemmed, sewn at seams, not torn, not faded or “worn,” etc. No outside jackets are to be worn in the classroom. However, SSPP cardigans from Land’s End are permitted.
If new uniforms items must be purchased, it is recommended that they be purchased through Land’s End (School Number 900027475), as these items are in conformity with the current policy. You can find the link to Land’s End on our website If parents choose not to purchase the shorts and pants from Land’s End, please make sure that uniform guidelines are followed. In an effort to ensure that the purchase of uniform pieces does not constitute a financial burden for our families, a uniform exchange program has been implemented.
Girls Dress Code Policy:
- Khaki slacks or shorts – (no corduroy, denim or denim-like material, no stitching, no sweatpants, no stretch pants, skinny pants, knits or cargos). Shorts cannot be any shorter than 3 inches above the knee. Shorts must not be below the knee. Students may wear their uniform shorts during the months of August through October 31st and April 1st through June.
- Skorts/Jumpers – Girls may wear Land’s End uniform approved skorts/jumpers only. Skorts must not be any shorter than 3 inches above the knee and may not be worn below the knee. The jumpers must have the uniform white shirt underneath (does not have to have logo) and the skort (plaid or khaki) may be worn with a white polo shirt or with the navy polo with logo.
- Shirts –Navy turtleneck or navy blue shirts (short or long-sleeve) with collar and school logo. Long-sleeved shirts may not be worn under short-sleeved shirts. No outside jackets may be worn in the classroom. A solid white undershirt is permitted under a uniform shirt. Shirt tails must be tucked in at all times. Girls must wear school approved Land’s End white or navy uniform shirts under plaid jumpers. Skorts may be worn with the white shirt or the navy uniform shirt. The white shirt is not to be worn with slacks or shorts.
- Shoes/Socks – Tennis shoes or closed shoes ONLY. No high heels, shoes with lights, sandals, boots, plastic or jelly shoes, Crocs, clogs, wedges, or flip-flops allowed. Navy or white knee-hi’s (to the knee) or tights may be worn with skorts and jumpers. Socks must be easily seen and worn at all times. No low-cut or no-show socks.
- Belts – Navy blue, black, or brown belts must be worn with slacks and shorts that have belt loops in grades 3rd through 6th. Girls may wear Land’s End plaid belt with D ring. Belts MUST be plain with no embellishments or designs. Bandannas, scarves or tassels are not permitted as a belt.
- Makeup – No makeup is permitted. No distracting nail polish…light colors only.
Boys Dress Code Policy:
- Khaki slacks or shorts – (no corduroy, denim or denim-like material, no stitching, no sweatpants, no stretch pants, skinny pants, knits or cargos). Shorts cannot be any shorter than 3 inches above the knee. Shorts must not be below the knee. Students may wear their uniform shorts during the months of August through October 31st and April 1st through June.
- Shirts –Navy turtleneck or navy blue shirts (short or long-sleeve) with collar and school logo. Long-sleeved shirts may not be worn under short-sleeved shirts. No outside jackets are to be worn in the classroom. A solid white undershirt is permitted under a uniform shirt. Shirt tails must be tucked in at all times.
- Shoes/Socks – Tennis shoes or closed shoes only. No sandals, boots, plastic, Crocs, clogs, flip flops allowed. White or navy crew or quarter length socks may be worn. Socks MUST be worn at all times. Socks must be easily seen. No low-cut or no-show socks.
- Belts – navy blue, black, or brown belts must be worn with slacks and shorts that have belt loops in grades 3rd through 6th. Belts MUST be plain with no embellishments or designs. Bandannas, scarves or tassels are not permitted as a belt.
Physical Education Apparel – Physical Education classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students must wear a uniform gym t-shirt and gym shorts/sweatpants. The SSPP sweatshirt is optional to wear on gym day. The hot weather uniform policy applies to gym shorts; they can only be worn during the months of August-October and April-June. All other times, students may wear gym shorts under their sweatpants and the gym teacher will allow students to remove their sweatpants for gym participation, but sweatpants must be worn throughout the school day. All students are required to wear tennis shoes on P.E. day. Students will be asked to not participate due to safety reasons because of inappropriate footwear. If a student wears boots, he/she must change into tennis shoes on P.E. days.