BODY        MIND        SPIRIT

Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School is Christ-Centered in its preparation of students to be
productive, happy members of society in body, mind and spirit.

SS Peter & Paul Catholic School provides a setting in which our students can experience and learn the principles of our Catholic Faith. We are all called to hear the message (which includes doctrine and scripture), respond spiritually (through prayer and liturgy), and carry on Christ’s mission to reach out and serve others.

We hear the message by means of our Religion textbook series, which is approved by the Diocese. The Diocesan policy for religious education per week is:

  • K – 100 minutes
  • 1st – 3rd 125 minutes
  • 4th – 8th 165 minutes

We respond spiritually through daily prayer in the classroom, visits to church, penance services, and weekly liturgies.

We carry out Christ’s Mission through yearly projects such as Thanksgiving Baskets for the poor and various community outreach programs throughout Catholic School’s Week.


The entire school will attend Mass on Fridays. All students will also attend Mass together on holy Days of Obligation; on other special holidays; and attend rosaries. Parents and family are always encouraged to attend these Liturgies. Participating in the Liturgy is expected of all students. Students may serve as lectors, song leaders, or leaders of prayer regardless of gender or religious denomination.


We ask parents to meet with the pastor prior to their children’s reception of first Holy Communion and first Reconciliation. First Holy Eucharist preparation and first Reconciliation occurs for Catholic second graders during the spring semester. All students’ grades 3 – 8 are given the opportunity to go to confession two to four times a year. Non-Catholic students, if they desire, may receive a blessing at this time.

Since Catholic religion classes are an integral part of the life of the school, all students including non-Catholics, are required to attend religion classes. The non-Catholic students should be willing to:

  • Understand the philosophy, purpose and goals of Catholic education
  • Attend all formal religion classes
  • Attend all liturgies/prayer services
  • Participate in service programs which flow from the Religious Education Program.

It should be noted that no student will ever be forced to believe or practice the Catholic faith.

SS Peter and Paul Catholic School Shield